Welcome to Global Social Entrepreneurship

The first meeting of this class will be Friday.  Since the syllabus is not yet posted, please be advised that you are allowed only one unexcused absence before you start to lose a letter grade for each additional absence.  So you do not want to miss this or any other Friday.
Additionally, I will get the syllabus up before Wednesday at noon.  Do be aware that you need to read the first chapter by Friday.
I will send you additional information as it becomes available.
You have no incoming announcements.


Your written response is due to Turnitin.com by noon on Feb. 4.  Turnitin.com course info will be supplied in a separate email.
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Your written response is due to Turnitin.com by noon on Feb. 25.
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Due at noon on 3/28.
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Due by noon on April 18.
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Please see extra handouts regarding Movie Maker if you want to use it for your final.   The final is due at noon on 4/27.  Be sure to note that there are also reviews of all presentations that will be due the week after that.
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