
Course Information

Leadership Challenges of the Superi (EDAD 7317)

Term: 2011-2012 AY (8/2011-7/2012) Spring Semester


Dr. Rudy LopezShow MyInfo popup for Dr. Rudy Lopez
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Fri, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (1/9/2012 - 5/3/2012) Location: MAIN DAV 204
Sat, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (1/9/2012 - 5/3/2012) Location: MAIN PAC 207


The purpose of the course is to study the American school superintendecy in relations to major issues facing schools and superintendents, forces effecting superintendents? behaviors, and the complexity of responsibilities associated with the superintendent?s role as a chief educational officer. The course is designed to examine and understand concepts and ideas related to human relationships that ultimately determine the effectiveness of the superintendent and the success of the school. (Cross listed with EDAD 6370, Leadership Challenges.)